The 4th Lebanon Ice Bowl and many others coming soon! - Jan 23rd, 2012

Ice Bowls or “N”ice Bowls are happening all over with a lot of good publicity. Ice Bowls are a great way to keep playing in the winter, help much needed food banks and homeless shelters, and help with the reputation of our sport. Try to support as many of these as possible. I know this weekend there are two in the area. The Nixa Freeze at the Dale Robert's Memorial Course and the Miami Ice at Riverview Park in Miami, OK. The JDGC will be holding their Ice Bowl February 4th , at McClelland Park in Joplin. One week later, the Lion's Club DGC out of Rolla, will be having their Ice Bowl on February 11th. I personally can't wait to get back on that course. Keep up to date on these and other Ice Bowls by visiting

I met with the John Shelton, Parks Director in Lebanon, along with the “Lebanon Crew” last week. We discussed both the 4th Lebanon Ice Bowl to be held on the Jared Hilton Memorial course (February 25th in Atchley Park) and the Jared Hilton Memorial (PDGA event) that will be held in June. As you noticed the Lebanon Ice Bowl will be the Lucky Monkey Tour opener. I am thankful the Lebanon parks department was eager to support both these events this year. Lebanon parks have purchased a Monkey Trap that will be raffled to raise money for the LAF at this year's Ice Bowl. This was done last year and Gary Bramen of Camdenton turned it in to a new 10 hole course (great job Gary you are a champ!). We are hoping to get more players this year than last, and we are confident we will help the Lebanon Area Foundation out even more this year! There will be a chile dinner provided like every year. If you make a mean pot of chile, bring it...Chile contest perhaps?! I'm sure we can come up with some cool prizes for that! The Parks department has done a great job adding all concrete pads, making a huge 10 foot hill that will provide for an elevated pin placement on hole 16, and they made some beautiful additions around some tee pads that will allow for some beautiful landscaping this Spring. Stay tuned for more details on the Jared Hilton Memorial. For those of you who didn't make the Hillbilly Open last year, this event is taking it's place. It should be one of the bigger and more well funded events on the tour. I hope to see you at both!

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