Ozarks Flying Disc Club's Inaugural Player's Cup Weekend Update - May 7th, 2012

This coming Saturday is the Ozarks Flying Disc Club's Inaugural Player's Cup Weekend. This will be a singles Match Play format on Saturday. Friday there will be a Player's Party and a Doubles Round. (Please check the flier for more details. If you have questions feel free to contact Shayn Woltz, who is the brain child of this super cool event.). This tournament is shaping up to be one incredible event and we hope that you can be a part.

The follow was posted by Shayn Woltz early this morning for those who are not a part of the OFDC FB page:

I will be at Tuesday doubles in Nixa if anyone would like to get registered for the Matchplay.

This field is going to fill up easily, and IF (stressing the "if") any sort of field expansion occurs, those matches are going to start earlier than the original field due to time constraint concerns. So, if you wanna play and you don't want to have your first match at 8:30 AM, get signed up :). First 24 are guaranteed a 9:55 or later start.

Here is a rough schedule outline for the day.
9:45 brief players meeting

9:55 first flight leaves, subsequent flights will be about 4-5 minutes behind. The first 2 rounds will be a best of 9 hole match as will any expanded field matches.

~11:45, second round (round of 16, 8 matches) should begin around this time, 9 hole matches

~1:30 third round (round of 8, 4 matches), 18 hole match

~3:00 fourth round, Final 4, 18 hole match

~ 4:30/5:00, 5th round, 1 group of 4 players, playing for 1st/2nd, and 3rd/4th, 18 hole match

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • EDGE