The Winter Blast Disc Golf Tournament Update - Nov 19th, 2012

This year's Winter Blast will again benefit the Christian County Family Crisis Center. It will be held on the 15th of December, a week after the Roc Off held by the Journey Post. Along with the Turkey Trot (explained in the flier) we will also have a drawing to help generate more money for the CCFCC. I will be donating a Discatcher Sport and several other items, but want to ask all of you to see if you have an item you'd like to add. We can beef up both the Turkey Trott and the Drawing with any donations. If you have something let me know, or just bring it by any time before the tournament (or the day of). Last year we were able to raise $250 in a very short time of putting the event together. This year, the event has been posted for a year, and I am confident we can blow this number away. If you have any questions or know of any potential sponsors, please don't hesitate to call me.

Last Friday my wife Melissa, daughter Angelia, Ozark's course pro Jeff Beth, and myself had the privilege of visiting the Christian County Family Crisis Center. We were given the opportunity to have a Disc Golf demonstration. This was a lot of fun and well received by all te staff, mom's, and the children that were there. The curiosity of the “chain things” and the “frisbees” drew the attention of all the kids. All of them were eager to try out the sport new to them. The smiles and laughter of everyone involved was priceless. The ages of the seven children were 2 – 13. I am sure most of you share in the my following thought; The fascination of a disc/frisbee in flight, the sound of crashing chains, and the thrill of teaching the sport to someone new will always be a part of me...I truly love this game! I believe there were some kids twho will always remember the sport, and with any luck, they will get a chance to play on a course one day soon!

It was a privilege to be a part of this experience. At the end of our time, I watched the kids continue to play as Jeff and I put together an Innova Discatcher Sport target that Innova gave me at a generous discount for the demo. Once it was set up I asked the kids to line up and each were given their own individual disc (provided by EDGE), mini, pen, and sticker. They were also told the new Discatcher Sport basket was theirs to keep in their play area. The smiles and gratitude were easily seen all over the kids faces. The Center was also given several sets of discs (provided by Innova) in hopes that the sport will continue to bring a bit of happiness for families who truly need just that.

A special thanks to Creator Designs, Gateway Disc Sports, Quality Trim & Sign, Innova Champion Discs, EDGE, Jeff Beth, Melissa Burns, Angelia Burns, and all the staff that allowed us to make this time happen!

At this time of Thanksgiving, I am truly thankful for all the many blessings that have been graciously given to me. The list is endless: Family, Friends, Church, Home, Business...just to name a few. I am truly thankful to all of you who have continued to support my dream/efforts in helping this sport grow. It has been an awesome flight as we have all seen the sport of Disc Golf soar! I know that without each of you, I couldn't have done my part...for this I say Thank You!!

See You at the Winter Blast!

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE