The Dale Roberts Memorial is Saturday September 7th... Read Below to Find Out How to Win a Free Entry and win $150 During the Tourney! - Aug 29th, 2013

The Dale Roberts Memorial is only a week away. This tournament is played on the Dale Roberts Memorial Park at Nixa, Missouri's McCulley “Center” Park each year. This tournament is always a fun event with great accommodations. As many of you know Dale was responsible for getting the approval to install this course. Dale and I laid out the first nine holes and later added 3 holes 2 more times. Tragically and unfortunately the weekend before the final 3 holes were to be added (including his and my favorite hole 6) Dale passed away. He left many great people behind including his Wife Amy, Dad and Mom Butch and Patsy, many other family members, and countless friends. As the tournament logo and colors show each year, Dale was a fisherman (a dang good one too) and he loved OU. Thankfully he loved disc golf too, and worked hard to provide us all with an awesome place to play. For this I say Thank You Friend... YOU ARE ALWAYS REMEMBERED AND NEVER FORGOTTEN! MISS YOU!

This year, I want all of you to wear a shirt or bring discs from the past DRM events. If you are wearing a shirt and hit an ACE I am giving away a crisp $100 bill (this is in addition to the ACE POT if you so choose to be in it). If you happen to be using Dale Roberts Memorial Disc and wearing the shirt I will throw in another $50. What can I say I like the Price is Right “Big Wheel” idea! I do have a few previous DRM shirts left over. See me before the round if you want one. I really hope to give away some cash!

Something else new this year is I want to do is give away a free membership to this event. All you have to do to qualify for this is to Pre Register. If there are 50 Pre Register players, I will do a drawing and refund the winners payment. Registration on line is open and is back to the old Pay Pal method that only add a $2 fee. So if you plan on coming get signed up today.

Again Player's Packs will be handed out on a first come first serve basis. None of the Players Pack stuff is in, but I will post as soon as I get it.

Stay Tuned for more information.

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • EDGE