The 6th Annual Lucky 13 Will Have a Full 90 Players! - Mar 19th, 2014

The first two events from this year's Monkey See, Monkey Do Tour were incredible. Kudos to all involved who made these two non-sanctioned fund-raiser events truly special. Records were set in attendance, money raised, and temperatures! Both events were a lot of fun and made great excuses to get back together with friends. Truly a great start.

Saturday, the 6th Annual Lucky 13 will be held at Miller Park in Republic, MO. Ninety players (a maxed field) will be converging onto the Lucky 13 course hoping to minimize OB shots and score as many birdies as possible to become a winner. As with the previous years, the course will be converted into 18 holes. The added 6 holes and many changes make this Lucky 13 a fun an challenging tournament. I can't ever remember playing the course with no wind, and this makes the added Island Holes extremely challenging. The lay-out will be similar to the previous years. Bring some stable stuff!

I would like to thank this year's sponsors. Little Caesar's Pizza, Sight & Sound Theater, Queen City Cycles, Fimco Steel, Elephant & Castle, Q102, and most importantly The Republic Parks & Recreation Department. Support our sponsors, and if you come into contact with: Jared Keeling, Kris Parks, the grounds crew, or any staff members let them know we appreciate letting us have this awesome event on their Lucky 13 course. I feel we have been incredibly fortunate to get a solid players pack and good pay out each year. Without the support of the above this couldn't happen. From all who have been a part of the Lucky 13, Thank You Friends and Sponsors!

The course should be marked out by Thursday. There will be a “Bring Your Own Partner Doubles” that will be a Flex Start. This means bring a partner and you may tee off any time between 2:00-5:30 once another group is ready to go out on the course. The Pro Division will be $30/ Team ($15 ea.). There will be at least one Am division possibly two if there are at least two teams in each. The Am Divisions will be $20/ Team ($10 ea.).

Looking forward to kicking off the 1st PDGA event. See you there!

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • EDGE