Dynamic Discs presents the 3rd True Life Bowl is This Saturday! - Feb 26th, 2015

The III True Life Bowl is this Saturday. Below are a few pictures (including the front cover of the Autism Report Magazine) of the 1st presentation to the Special Needs Classroom at Truman Elementary. Because of your support and giving, we raised enough money to buy computer tablets for all the students in the class! Last year we raised $2,000 and the school was able to purchase a Sensory Board. The board is a tool used to help the students work and develop their fine motor skills. The teachers have mentioned that both accommodations have been greatly used and a big help in the student's development.

This year the goal is to raise $1,500. If this is raised, the plan is to purchase a large Sensory Ball for the classroom, that works in a similar way to the board. I Believe We Can Do It!!!!

So, if you are on the fence on whether or not to come to this event, I hope the above will have you lean toward making it. This is a fun course (we will be playing the full 18), always great accommodations, and a very worthy cause!

I've been asked if people who can't make the event can still contribute. The answer is most definitely YES! Simply contact Nick DeRosa or myself and we will make arrangements.
As always, thanks for the ongoing continued support for this event and the support of the areas Disc Golf growth as a whole!!

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
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  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • EDGE