Marshall Open On Line Players Meeting - Oct 19th, 2022

11th Annual Marshall Open Presented by Prodigy
Players’ Meeting

Welcome to the Eleventh Annual Marshall Open! A big shout out to the Marshall Disc Golf Club and the Marshall Parks & Recreation. We also want to thank our tour sponsors:
Prodigy Discs, Elephant & Castle, Innova Champion Discs, Dynamic Discs, Creator Designs, Fossa, Millenium Golf Discs, Discmania, Greazy Dyes, Patriots Gold & Silver, MVP/Axiom, Intuitive Body Works & Massage, Discs Unlimited, Missouri Common Ground Alliance, and Swing Right Golf.

Everyone needs to check in at the pavilion. Also, the PDGA is requiring a signed waiver stating we acknowledge the increased risk of COVID-19 by playing in this tournament. Since you all signed up online, you've already signed that waiver.
Regarding COVID-19, please maintain social distancing at all times before, during, and after the tournament. During check-in, please form three lines, and keep at least 6 feet apart in those lines. Three people at a time will be allowed to check in. After the tournament, amateur players receiving a payout will need to form two lines, as six people will be allowed in the trailer at any one time.

Round 1 tees off at 9:00. Scores for this tournament will be kept at The code is marsh. Round 1 player course and hole assignments will be posted shortly after registration closes Friday night at Please have at least two players keeping track of score to ensure accurate scoring. The staff will automatically receive the scores at tournament central. When round one is finished, the Rotary Club will be selling lunch at the course. Proceeds go to disc golf education at Marshall High School. Round 2 SHOULD start at 2, but may change based on last card. There will be an announcement by DGM staff, and round 2 assignments will be posted on the PDGA page.

Rules for the courses are listed below. Innova CTP is North hole 17. Trilogy-only CTP is South hole 5. Prodigy-only CTP is North 16. MVP-only CTP is South hole 18. All players play from red tees on both courses.

If there is any question about any throws or lies, try to make a group decision. If no decision can be made, play a provisional. When possible, consult with the course TD to determine the correct answer.

In general, all shelters, roads, creeks, the lake, most playgrounds, sidewalks, walking trail, and any concrete areas that have a table or bench on them are OB. Any random slabs of concrete or gravel not specifically mentioned below are not OB.

Course distances and OB rules for the North course:
Hole Number Distance Notes
1 420 OB - Road left and beyond, rock ditch right and beyond
2 304 OB - Road right and beyond. Road left is not OB
3 259
4 448 OB - On or over rock ditch/road, In shelter house, In parking lot, on any sidewalks, Old playground is NOT OB
5 550 OB - Railroad track and beyond, gravel
6 253 OB - Road and beyond
7 355
8 490 Mando left of marked tree. OB - Road and beyond
9 345 OB - Road and beyond
10 367 OB - Road and beyond
11 330 OB - Road and beyond
12 280 OB - Over fence right or long
13 306 OB - Over fence
14 235 OB - Over fence, creek and beyond
15 255 OB - Creek and beyond
16 186
17 201 OB - Road and beyond
18 390 OB - On or over road, In creek, On concrete portions of bridge, Under grass part of bridge in creek is OB, Grass on top of bridge is inbounds, Mud has overflowed some concrete around the bridge and now has grass growing on it – this area is OB and has been marked with paint
Course distances and OB rules for the North course:

Hole Number Distance Notes
1 307 OB - Creek and beyond
2 250
3 295 OB - Road and beyond, shelter house
4 340 OB - Shelter house, playground
5 180 OB - Creek and beyond
6 330 OB - Road and beyond, shelter house
7 460 OB - Road and beyond, shelter house
8 465 OB - Walking trail and beyond
9 441 OB - In and a little short of skate park to include all terraces as marked, On or over road, Beyond trees on left
10 317 OB - Road and beyond, lake
11 300 OB - Road and left, lake. If OB from tee, go to drop zone. All other OBs play from last in.
12 260 OB - lake
13 275
14 475 OB - Road and beyond, lake
15 421 OB - On or over road (edge of pavement), On or over walking trail, In or over parking lot
16 267 OB - On or over road or parking lot, In playground, In shelter
17 333 OB - Sidewalk and beyond, shelter house
18 315 OB - Rock ditch before road, and beyond

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • EDGE