Hanna Hills Open Players Meeting - Apr 13th, 2023

Hanna Hills Open

Hanna Hills Players Meeting:

Patriot's Gold & Silver Presents: The 5th Annual Hanna Hills Open sponsored by Dynamic Discs
Players’ Meeting

Welcome to the 5th Annual Hanna Hills! As always, we’d like to start off by thanking our tour sponsors: 

Our Title Sponsors are Patriot's Gold & Silver and Dynamic Discs

Tour Sponsors: Elephant & Castle Fine Arms, Innova Champion Discs, Dynamic Discs, Fossa Disc Golf, Prodigy Discs, Creator Designs, MVP/Axiom Discs, Millennium Golf Discs, Discmania, 8Up, Greazy Dyes, Discs Unlimited, Swing Right Golf, and Intuitive Body Works & Massage.

Carpool if at all possible. We've expanded the parking lot, but there is still limited parking. We have also painted some parking lines to help maximize space. If the main parking lot is full, find Vic, Diana, Michael, or Jonathan, and they will direct you where to park. Also, please try to start live scoring before you get to the course. The cell signal is very hit and miss. Mostly miss!

Directions: From I-44 take exit 153 at Buckhorn and travel south 1.1 miles on MO HWY 17, turn left (southeast) on Hwy NN. Travel 3.6 miles on NN. Enter the course next to the historic Hanna Post Office. Follow the signs marked "Hanna Hills Parking."

Everyone needs to check in at the barn. Round 1 tees off at 9. Scores for this tournament wil be kept online at www.pdga.com/score. Code is HHO. Paper cards will be available upon request. Round 1 player course and hole assignments will be posted shortly after registration closes Friday night at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/67758. DGM staff will receive the online scores at tournament central. When round one is finished, lunch will be provided by the Benteles on the grounds. This is an incredibly beautiful and well kept private course, for this reason we ask that you bring a donation for food if you are able. Round 2 SHOULD start at 1, but may change based on last card. There will be an announcement by DGM staff, and round 2 assignments will be posted online and on paper.

Rules for the course are listed below. There are 5 CTP’s: Women’s only CTP is hole 2. Innova CTP (any doc can win) is hole 3. Trilogy-only CTP is hole 14. MVP-only hole is hole 8. Prodigy-only hole is hole 17.

If there is any question about any throws or lies, try to make a group decision. If no decision can be made, play a provisional. When possible, consult with the course TD to determine the correct answer.

Course distances and OB rules for the course:
Hole Number Distance Notes
1 408 OB - Main pond, surrounded by water. If OB, proceed to DZ. Water left of road will be casual.
2 224 OB - Surrounded by water
3 234 OB - Surrounded by water
4 417 OB - Barbed wire fence
5 336
6 432 OB - Surrounded by water, barbed wire fence at bottom of cliff. If over the cliff, but in bounds, player may play from lie, or from previous lie with penalty.
7 264 Play from red/white pad (on the right). OB - Surrounded by water
8 238
9 438 Green rope on left OB. Yellow rope above it is for visual reference off the tee. Make a judgment call, benefit to the player. If disc goes over cliff, DO NOT retrieve. Vic will get it after your round.
10 330 Surrounded by water OB. If OB, proceed to DZ.
11 221
12 387
13 420 Surrounded by water OB
14 237
15 438
16 621
17 225
18 713 Play from blue/white (long) pad, near the Russ Burns donated bench. Fence beyond basket is OB

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • EDGE