The 1st Olde Glory Days Recap - Jun 25th, 2023

The 1st Olde Glory Days Open Recap

This past Saturday 54 disc golf players made a trip to Clinton, Missouri to try their skills on the Artesian Park Disc Golf Course. The 1st Olde Glory Days Open was brought to you courtesy of the Greater Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce. David Lee, Chamber & Tourism Director, asked me several months ago to make Clinton a stop on the tour. David, the chamber, the parks department, Tim Komer and local professional player Micah Noble, all partnered with the Disc Golf Monkey to make it happen. A big thanks to all of them for their financial support, time, and efforts in making this event happen.

The course was very well groomed. Micah, marked the OB’s and drop zone areas. He also put out some much needed ice water out on the course with the help of Jonathan Chambless. Jon Parsons was the Tournament Director and Dason Keylor and Kevin Carder took care of check in, scoring, and payout. These guys did a fantastic job as always. I would also like to thank them and Justin Hare for cleaning up at the end. To the entire crew and possibly anyone I may have missed, thank you all for making this 1st event a successful one!

HOT was definitely the most talked about feature of the tournament. There was some wind involved as well, but it seemed to blow up high and not around ground level. This weird wind gave little to no relief from the temps that reached the low 90’s. As always in Missouri, the humidity made the hot even hotter. Keeping hydrated and not getting over heated was definitely a big key to performing well.

The players started showing up a little before check in at 8:00. Raffle tickets were sold as the players picked out the 2 Prodigy discs that were given away in the players pack. A big shout out of gratitude to Kendall over at Prodigy for the great looking discs. As always in the raffle, there were a lot of prizes given out. Tim had an Innova Discatcher Pro target for the raffle for the big ticket item. The winner of the basket was able to pick between three baskets, and Marlin Briggs chose the Discatcher. Congratulations to all the winners.

THERE WERE NO ACES HIT BY THE 39 PLAYERS THAT PUT IN! This makes the roll over Ace Pot worth $615. You can try your luck in Theodosia at the Lost Woods Open in two weeks. You may register here:

There were 10 divisions made up of the 54 players that showed up. Winners included the following below.

Complete and official scores can be found here: (

1 Korie Clupka 158

1 Cody Bradley 118
2 Jake Gilmore 123
3T Vadim Timoshshuck 125
3T Austin McBee 125

1 Justin Hare 113
2 Jack Daughtery 123
3 Kevin Carder 127

1 Brad “Bud Man” Hilton 121
2 Stan Balke 125
3 Roger Reid 127

1 Darrin Dodson 125
2T Mike Abbott 130
2T JD Williams 132

1 Mary Abbott 138

Kassidy Dalton 132

1 Matthew Williams 111
2 Will Styles 113
3 Tyler Northrip 119

1 Ray Presnell 114
2 Bruce Hudson 123

1 Bradley Brown 101
2 Micah Noble 105
3 Dason Keylor 109

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE