DGM Finale Players Meeting - Oct 31st, 2024

The 16th Annual DGM Finale - Featuring The 8th Annual Lost Woods Open Sponsored by Greazy Dyes
Players’ Meeting

There will be $500 added to the purse. An extra $250 will be added to the Pro Payout making it $1,000, and $250 will be added to the Am Payout!

Welcome to the 16th DGM Finale and the 8th Lost Woods Open! As always, we’d like to start off by thanking our sponsors:
Country Apron Bakery
CF Meats and Coffee
Hilltop Mini Golden Doodle
BF Byproducts LLC
VFW Isabella
Drips and Dips
Donnelly Feed
Dustin's Body Shop
Friends Lawn Care
Westgate Realty
H&W Automotive
Guy Reesh DDW
Fyre Fries
Farm Bureau
Bill and Debbie Agee
Theodosia Car Wash
Shilling Smith Enterprise real estate
Lake Time Resort
Bull Shoals Lake Package and Outdoor sportsman
SDS excavating
Cross county Septic
TriRivers Real Estate.
Protem pioneer store
Lake time Pizza Pub
Country Real Estate
oily apes Garage
Wallace Insurance
Mike O construction
Theo vapes& Tobacco LLC
Theodosia hardware Store
Cody construction
Derrek Putnam Construction
Heide Bannick Duerst
J's Grill Food truck in Gainesville,Mo

Also a big shout out of thanks to our tour sponsors who continue to make the DGM Tour a success each year:
Patriots Gold & Silver, Elephant & Castle Fine Arms, Kinney Amusement, Dynamic Discs, Innova Champion Discs, Fossa Disc Golf, Prodigy Discs, Creator Designs, MVP/Axiom Discs, Millennium Golf Discs, Discmania, 8Up, Greazy Dyes, Discs Unlimited, Swing Right Golf, Intuitive Body Works & Massage and Sticky Dyes.

A biscuits and gravy meal with coffee or orange juice will be served Saturday morning for $4. Lunch is free to the players: Pulled Pork sandwich, beans, chips, & cookies.

Everyone needs to check in at the pro shop. Round 1 tees off at 9. Scores for the tournament need to be kept on the PDGA website. Player course and hole assignments will be posted after registration closesFriday night at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/78362. Everyone is required to keep score. The link to online scoring is https://pdga.com/score/. The access code is LWO. DGM staff will receive them at tournament central. When round one is finished, lunch will be at the pro shop. Round 2 should start at 1, but will be based on end time of the first round. Player course and round assignments will once again be posted to the PDGA event page, and scores should be kept on pdga.com.
Rules for the courses are listed below. Unbranded CTP is hole 8. Trilogy-only CTP is hole 7. MVP-only CTP is hole 10. Prodigy-only CTP is hole 16. If there is any question about any throws or lies, try to make a group decision. If no decision can be made, play a provisional. When possible, consult with the course TD to determine the correct answer.

Lost Woods Rule/OB Sheet
1 420 OB – Cart path
2 303
3 360 OB – Path and beyond.
4 300 OB - Golf green
5 954 OB - Golf green, cart path and beyond
6 253 OB - Pond
7 210 OB - Golf green, cart path and beyond
8 246 OB - Golf green, cart path and beyond
9 657 OB - Cart path and beyond
10 254 OB – Golf green
11 662 OB – Path and beyond.
12 300 OB - Golf green, cart path and beyond
13 409 OB - Pond
14 329 OB - Pond, golf green
15 316 OB – Golf green, pond
16 299 OB - Golf green
17 486 OB - Pond, cart path and beyond
18 358

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • EDGE